Transcrição da Final do EC 2010

Pessoas, abaixo segue uma transcrição feita pelo usuário Acbishop do grupo da USENET (agora Google Groups) da final do European Championship 2010:

by Antonio (Acbishop)


Brian[30 pool] plays Dreams of the Sphinx (B[29]), tranferts one
(B[28]) and uses Dreams for transfert one to a vampire as well. B
discards invoking the Beast.

Medhi[30] transferts 2 (M[28]). M discards Immortal Grapple.

Jesper[30] tranferts 3 (J[27]). J discards Legal Manipulation.

Otto[30] transferts 4 (O[26]). Richard Tauber(RT from now) moves to
ready region.

Erol[30] plays Monastery of shadows (E[27]) and tranferts 3 and 1 on
different vampires (E[23]). E plays Nightmares uppon Nightmares.


B[28] transferts 4 (B[24]) and uses Dreams for transfering. B discards
Invoking the Beast.

M[28] transferts 4 (M[24]).

J[27] transferts 4 (J[23]). J discards Perfect Clarity.

O[26] bleeds for 1 with RT (E[22]). O tranferts 3 (O[23]). Martin
Franckel(MF from now) moves to ready region. O discards On the !qui

E[22] tranferts 4 (E[18]) . E discards Deflection.


B[24] transferts 4 (B[20]) and uses Dreams for tranfering. Matata
moves to ready region.

M[24] tranferts 4 (M[20]. Constanza Vinti(CV) moves to ready region.

J[23] plays Dreams of the Sphinx (J[22]). J transferts 4 (J[19]).

O[23] gains 1 from the edge (O[24]). MF equips with Sniper Rifle
(O[22]). RT equips with Ivory Bow (O[21]). O tranferts 3 (O[18]).
David Morgan(DM) moves to ready region.

E[18] tranferts 4 (E[14]). Ingrid Rossler(IR) moves to ready region. E
discards Forced March.


B[20] bleeds for 1 with Matata, no block (M[19]). B transferts 4
(B[16]). Uchenna moves to ready region.

M[19] plays Vilein for 4 on Constanza (M[23]). M plays the Rack on
Constanza and bleeds for one with her. No blocks(J[18]). M transferts
4 (M[19]).

J[18] uses Dreams for 2 cards and plays Visit from Capuchin. Nergal
bleeds with Legal Manipulation, DM attempts to block. Lost in crowds
superior. RT On the Qui Vive + My enemy's enemy. Nergal plays I am
Legion. O plays Direct Intervention (O[17]). Nergal is now bleeding
Medhi. CV plays Second Tradition: Domain. Block. Hand strike for 1
both combattants. Taste of Vitae CV. J merges Nergal (J[17]). Discards
down Call of the great beast and Legal Manipulations.

O[17] bleeds for one with DM. No blocks (E[13]). O transferts 2
(O[15]). Almiro Suarez(AS) moves to ready region. O discards Target

E[13] transferts 2 (E[11]). E discards Dreams of the Sphinx.


B[16] plays Villein for 5 on Uchenna (B[21]). Uchenna hunts. Matata
steals the rack putting it on Uchenna. B transferts 4 (B[17]). Nestor
Kaba(NK) moves to ready region. Discards Predator's Communion.

M[19] plays Depravity on Constanza (M[18]). Constanza bleeds with
Govern the Unaligned. No blocks(J[14]). M transferts 3 (M[15]). Theo
Bell(TB) moves to ready region.

J[14] pays Infernal to untap Nergal (J[13]). J uses Dreams for 2 cards
more.J plays Villein 3 on Nergal (J[16]). J plays Discipline: Celerity
on Nergal and try to bleed with Legal Manipulation. MF attempts to
blocks, Nergal +1 stealth from Adv version. Telepathic Misdireciton
targetting E who plays Dark Influences(E[9]) bleed is succesful (O[10]
J[17]). J discards The Barrens.

O[10] bleeds for one with AS, IR blocks, IR plays Form of Mist. DM
bleeds for 1 (E[8]). RT bleeds for 1 (E[7]). O discards Taste of

E[7] bleeds with Govern the Unaligned with IR. NK attempts to block.
Earth control superior IR. Matata plays Predator's Communion and Sense
the Savage Way, IR is blocked. Combat, Form of Mist superior of IR.
Bleed succesful (B[14]). E transferts back (E[10]). E plays Blood


B[14] uses BT with M. B plays and contest Dreams of the Sphinx
(B[13]). NK plays Reliquary Akunanse: Remains (B[12]). Matata plays
Well Marked. Matata plays Mr. Winthrop. B spends transferts for
calling a new vampire (B[11]). Discards Devil-Channel: Back.

M[15] CV calls Parity shift J - 5, O + 3, E + 2. Referendum succesful
(J[12] O[13] E[12]). TB bleeds for 1 (J[11]), O plays On the qui Vive
with RT. M transfert 4 (M[11]).

J[11] pays Infernal penalty to untap Nergal (J[10]). Yields contest of
Dreams. Plays Dreams of the Sphinx (J[9]). Nergal bleeds with Legal
Manipulations. MF attempts to block. Lost in crowds superior. Enhanced
senses superior. Special Nergal ADV. Eagle sight inferior. Elder
Impersonation superior. Aire of Elation superior. Bleed succesful for
7 (O[6] J[10]). Discards Dreams of the Sphinx.

O[6] discards a card for NuN on Almiro. O plays Necromancy on MF, E
plays Wash. O plays Anarch Revolt. DM becomes Anarch. AS bleeds for 1
(E[11]). O discards Dodge.

E[11] takes 1 from AR(E[10]). IR calls the referendum to burn AR. O
plays delaying tactics. IR bleeds with Govern the Unaligned. Uchenna
blocks. IR plays Form of Mist superior. Bleed succesful (B[8]). E
transferts back (E[12]).


B[8] takes 1 from AR (B[7]). Matata plays Deep Song superior on CV.
Anvil blocks. Matata plays Invoking the Beast. Anvil plays Pursuit
inferior to maneuver to long range. Hand strikes both. Anvil plays
Blur superior. Hand strikes both. Matata press. Anvil plays Torn
Signpost. Anvil plays Pursuit inferior. Range is long. Matata hand
strike. Anvil Thrown Lewer Lid. Anvil plays Taste of Vitae. Uchenna
plays Raven Spy. NK bleeds for 2 (M[9]).

M[9] takes 1 from AR (M[8]). CV calls Parity shift, no blocks, terms
( J - 5, M + 5), referendum fails. TB rushes Nergal. Torn signpost +
Immortal Grapple. Nergal goes to torpor. Discards Defelction.

J[10] takes one from AR (J[9]). Uses Dreams for having 2 cards more. J
plays Discipline: celerity on Nergal. Discards Veneficti. Discards
down (couldn't see the cards and I didn't disturb the players).

O[6] discards 2 cards due to NuN for MF and AS. DM stay tapped. Almiro
bleeds for 1 (E[11]). RT bleeds for one (E[10]).

E[10] takes onr from AR(E[9]). E plays Ecoterrorist, O plays Sudden
Reversal. IR bleeds with Govern the Unaligned. Matata plays Predator's
Communion untaps and blocks. IR plays Form of Mist superior. IR plays
Conditioning (B[2]). IR plays Freak Drive. IR hunts. MF plays Melange
superior. Ir uses Monastery od Shadows, MF plays Spirit's touch
superior and blocks. IF plays Form of Mist. E plays Restricted Vitae.


B[2] loses 1 due to Anarch Revolt (B[1]). B plays Villein for seven on
Uchenna (B[7]). B plays Blood Doll on Uchenna and hunts whit him on
MF. No blocks. Matata plays Raven Spy. NK becomes Anarch. B discard a
combat card (Devil channel: back?).

M[8] loses 1 due to Anarch Revolt (M[7]). M uses Blood Trade from
Anvil to IR. Anvil bleeds with Govern the Unaligned (J[6]). Constanza
bleeds with Govern the Unaligned (J[3]). TB attempt to become anarch.
Matata blocks with Sense the Savage Way.Matata plays Invoking the
Beast. Pursuit inferior played by TB. Thrown Sewer Lid targetting Mr.
Winthrop. Matata presses to continue(ItB). TB presses to stop(TSL).
Matata presses to continue(Matata special). Torn Signpost played by
TB. Hand strikes, Additional strike only for Matata. Taste of Vitae
Matata. TB is now with 0 blood and Matata with 4. Matata plays cat's
Guidance inferior.

J[3] loses one cause of Anarch Revolt(J[2]). Uses Dreams to draw 2
cards. J discards Freak Drive. J discards down Freak Drive and other

O[6] only keeps untap MF cause of NuN. MF bleeds and uses Melange for
bleeding for 1 (E[8]).

E[8] loses 1 with Anarch Revolt(E[7]). E plays Giant's Blood on IR and
attempts to call Banishment. Matata attempt to block. Form of Mist
superior of IR. Matata plays Predator's Communion tu untap and Sense
the Savage inferior. E uses Monastery of Shadows. O plays Forced
Awakening, Enhanced Senses superior and Precognition superior with RT.
Action blocked. IR plays Form of Mist inferior. E plays Scourge of
Enochians. AS is burned.


B[7] uses blood trade with Uchenna and MF. Matata plays Deep Song
superior on IR. Form of Mist of IR. Uchenna recruits Raven Spy. NK
bleeds for 3 with Deep Song inferior. Second Tradition CV. NK plays
Carion Crows inferior. CV plays twice Torn Signpost. Both vampires go
to torpor. B discards Giant's blood.

M[7] loses one cause of Anarch Revolt(M[6]). M plays Fame on DM. TB
hunts on DM succesfully. Anvil bleeds for one (J[1]).

J[1] loses 1 cause of Anarch Revolt(J[0]). M get one victory point and
6 pool(M[12]).

O[6] only untaps RT and DM cause of NuN. DM hunts succesfully. RF
bleeds for one(E[6]).

E[6] loses one due to Anarch Revolt(E[5]). IR attempt to call Honor
the Elders. RT plays Eye of Argus superior and Spirit's touch
superior. E uses Monastery of Shadows. RT plays Eagle's Sight
inferior. Action block. Weighted Walking Stick and uses Ivory Bow. IR
goes to torpor.


B[7] loses one due to Anarch Revolt(B[6]). Villein for 2 on
Matata(B[8]). Uses the blood doll of Uchenna(B[9]). Matata bleeds with
Deep Song (M[10]). Uchenna diablerizes IR. B transferts (B[5]). B
discards Raven Spy.

M[10] loses one cause Anarch Revolt(M[9]). M plays Carver's Meat
Packing and Storage(M[8]). Anvil bleeds with Govern the
Unaligned(O[3]). TB bleeds with Govern the Unaligned(O[0]). M gets 1
victory point and 6 pool(M[14]).

E[5] plays Jake Washington and calls a new vampire (E[4]). E plays
Rise of Nephtali.


B[7] discards Archon investigation cause of NuN on NK. B plays
information highway and move one pool to Uchenna(B[6]). Matata Deep
Song superior on Anvil. M plays Direct Intervention cancelled by Dark
Influences. Anvil plays Torn Signpost, Matata carrion crows. Immortal
Grapple from Anvil. Rolling with the punches Matata and Taste of
Vitae. Anvil goes to torpor. Uchenna plays Deep Song superior on TB.
Carrion Crows. TB Immortal Grapple. Tb goes to torpor. B transferts
(B[2]). Amavi moves to ready region.

M[14] gets one cause the edge (M[15]). M calls a vampire (M[14]). M
discards Brujah Justicar.

E[4] transferts 1 (E[3]). Anarch Convert moves to ready region.


B[2] gets 2 pool from his vampires with blood doll(B[4]). B plays
Mbare Market Harare(B[1]). Amavi rescue NK from torpor and bleeds with
their vampires(M[11]).

M[11] plays 2 villein in different vampires getting one pool(M[12]),
transferts (M[8]) and discards Taste of Vitae.

E[3] discards a card for keeping Anarch Convert untapped. E uses Blood
Trade anarch convert and CV. E sacrifies Jake for giving blood to
Anarch Convert and rescues CV from torpor. E discards a card.


B[4] gets one from the edge(B[5]) one from vessel (B[6]). B gets one
from Blood Doll (B[7]). B plays Pentex Subversion on Anarch Convert
(B[5]).Matata plays Deep Song superior on CV. Matata plays Invoking
the beast + Carrion Crows. CV goes to torpor. B bleeds Medhi (M[5]).
B transferts back (B[6]).

M[5] transferts back (M[7]).

E[3] calls a vampire (E[2]).


B[6] gets one from the edge(B[7]) and one from vessel(B[8]). B plays
Powerbase: Montreal. Bleed for 6 with his vampires(M[1]). Transfert
back 2 (mbare + PB:Montreal) (B[10]).

M[1] discards a card.

E[2] discards a card for untapping AC cause of NuN.


B bleeds M out and bleeds E out.

B 3 VP
M 2 VP



  1. Se tivesse um videozinho seria mais interessante. :)

  2. E que complicação postar um comentário aqui...

  3. O vídeo é inviável, digamos assim, por causa da duração de uma partida.

    Qual a complicação para postar? Quero ver se posso configurar para melhorar isso.

  4. Se tiver o vídeo, quebra ele em pedaços pow, ou então poe os melhores momentos.

    Tenho de informar perfil, ele pede um captcha... tem de clicar em uns 10 botões :|

  5. Infelizmente não tenho vídeos do evento. É difícil até encontrar no Youtube.

    Vou ver um jeito de reduzir a burocracia para comentar.


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